
Build a Website

Windows Internet Explorer

Well, the internet has certainly amused a lot of people before and the number is exponentially increasing. Many of my friends are convinced that they should start their own website and put some valuable content in it and eventually make money by publishing ads.

Creating a website doesn't precisely mean what one wants to do. There are two ways where you can contribute effectively to the world wide web.
  • You can either start learning about the basic fundamentals about how to design your webpage. For this, you need to have profound knowledge of html(Hyper Text Markup Language) and css(Cascading Style Sheet).
  • The other method which many people choose is by using a content management system wherein you just need to think about and provide the content, and the steps to manage it and publish it, is taken care by the software like wordpress, blogspot, joomla and many others.
Creation of a Website:
The world wide web is a grand global collection of websites, and the internet inter-connects all the sites. There are over a billion registered websites.
The essential step-by-step guide to make your own website:

1)Get the best suited domain name for the website.
  • the first thing you need to worry about is how do you name your site? Preferably, the domain name should be related to what you website will contain. Choose the perfect name coinciding with the type of content you will be updating your site with. Also, remember, the domain name must be easier to type and follow. This enhances the possibilites of your site ranking higher in the search engines. So, decide upon what the content will be and then try to name you site to the nearest possible description of the site.
  • Nowadays, almost all the familiar names have been bought and you might have to struggle a lot before you can find the best one. Fortunately, though, there are loads of extensions available now. Some include *.net, *.info, *.org and many more.
I found this website which gives enough information about the paradigms about choosing a proper domain name. Please Check it out.
2)Get a webhost
  • The next thing you need to do is to get a webspace on the "internet" (servers) so that you can publish, access and modify your website no matter wherever you are. There are lots of Webhosts who provide optimum webspace and bandwidth for a decent sum of money. I suggest you choose the primitive one in the beginning and later on switch to a different account with higher amount of space and bandwidth(once your site's traffic increases).
  • All you need to do is, visit their websites and sign up for the account. The rental is usually monthly but some guys offer it in a per annum basis.
  • There are other type of webhosts who offer webspace for free. Quite apparently, it has a bottomline, which is: you can't put ads on the site and you need to visit their Control Panel twice every week or so.
You can see further information about choosing the best webhost by clicking the link below:
I happen to browse the internet for the biggest, cheapest and the best Webhosts there are and I narrowed my list down to these three:

3) Designing the website:

Now, almost half of the procedure is finished, but the biggest challenge comes next. How to design a website.
  • By now, i assume you are ready with what you want to put in your site( If that's not the case, you better go back to your desk and start researching on that first and then come back to this). There are a few things you should know prior to designing a website.
  • The first one is HTML coding(hyper text markup language) and CSS(cascaded style sheet). My guess is, if you start learning about these now, you can finish the basics in a month. By my experience, it is very easy.
  • If you feel, html and css are not giving you an easier platform to design and test your website, you might wanna switch over to Adobe DreamWeaver. This is an easier tool to work with providing you with amazingly simple way to enhance the website. Adobe have loads of tutorials on dreamweaver in their official site. You might wanna check it out.
Well, this is about "YOU" actually designing you site. Most of the times, people choose third party designers who have a package which gives you the flexibility of handling the content easier than you can imagine. Two of the best are Wordpress and Blogspot. They offer a wide variety of themes and widgets. So you dont have to worry about the codes and stuff. Just pick and place. Its that simple. Just follow the links below and you will come to know everything about them.

So, this almost ends the procedure you need to follow to see you website up and running. As a derived advantage, you can also promote your site and apply for ads. I personally prefer Adsense because they are a better than the others. You can read my previous post to understand everything about Adsense.
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