In this tutorial, I will tell you the best tips to make your blog look official. If you are new to blogging and looking forward to enhance your blogging experience, then you have come to the right place
At this point, assuming you have a working blogsite, i carry on further with the rest of the post.
Best tips to popularize your blogsite:
Add a favicon to your blog. I have discussed this earlier, but i will do so one more time. Almost every site which has a post on inserting a favicon suggest you to add a *.ico file but a better way is to upload an image(jpeg or gif) file to a image host like Photobucket or ImageShack and then linking that image in the code

Copy and Paste the following part of the code just above the head tag as shown below:
2)Sign up for FeedBurner:<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://yoursite.googlepages.com/favicon.gif"/>
Probably the next best thing to do is to sign up for feedburner. This is an amazing tool to publisize your blog among your friends and people all over the world.
You can add a subscription widget to your blog and also provide feeds to all the subscribers.

Once you sign up for feedburner, you need to go to the "optimize" section in your account and then there are lots of options to add the chicklets (widgets). Just take a look by clicking on the link above.
Technorati is an Internet Search Engine for searching blogs.Technorati looks at tags that authors have placed on their websites. These tags help categorize search results, with recent results coming first. Sign up for Technorati and as member you can claim your blogs, and create a personal Technorati profile, and readers from around the web will be able to find what you've written. This is an amazing way to promote your blog.

4) Add Page title and meta tag description:
A meta tag will help in better indexing of your blog in Google's search engine. All you have to do is look for this line in the 'Edit HTML' option in your Blogger Dashboard.
Replace the above code by the following:Then add this part of the code just after the first b:if tag as shown below:<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<title>My site | This is a short description</title>
5)Monetize your blog by applying for Adsense:<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<meta name="Description" content="Add here a short description of your site" />
Probably the best feature and advantage of a Blogger Blog is that it accepts Google Adsense. So, if your blog has unique and valuable content, don't hesitate to apply for Adsense. As the saying goes, "If you are good at something, Do not do it for free".

Sometimes Google might reject your application due to some problems. So make sure your website follows the below mentioned paradigms:
- your blog should not contain copyright material owned by someone else(without his permission) and the content must be unique and acceptable.
- you obviously must be using a Blogger account, and cannot apply for Google Adsense using a wordpress blog.
- Pages must be easily navigable. This means, there must be a feature to return to home or any desired page from any sublinks in your blog.
- You must otherwise own a proper domain such as www.yourblog.com and this domain must be active for 6 months.
The next best thing to do is to add a tag cloud so that the visitor gets a clear picture of what topics your blog covers. You can add a flash tag cloud which looks exactly like the one in this website. This will need a Flash plugin which is availaible in Adobe's official site and the link is provided below. The code for the Tag cloud be obtained by clicking on the link below.

7)Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website.Google Analytics can track visitors from all referrers, including search engines, display advertising, pay-per-click networks, email marketing and digital collateral such as links within PDF documents.
This is the best way to monitor your site's traffic and it provides information on all the details about the pages visited in your blog and stuff.
Sign up for google analytics here with your google username and password and you are ready to go.

This is the basic protocol you need to follow if you want to improve your blog. You can enhance it better by adding widgets and javascripts which will actually add a tint of creativity and glaomour to your blog. I will be writing an article on that too, in a couple of days.
This is about it. All I want to say is:
Blog your way to StardomAdd your valuable suggestions and feel free to comment.
great post. There couldnt be an easier way.
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