
DevCamp Bangalore 2009

This comes as a treat for all those hackers out there who want to experience some innovations in action. Welcome to DevCamp 2009.

What exactly is DevCamp??

"DevCamp is an unconference by the hackers, for the hackers and of the hackers."

It is kinda like BarCamp where any type of human being who is a lover of computers and technology would consider important or a hangout for entertainment.

It is a place where innovative minds meet and throttle new ideas. Basically, structured around the unconference and the likes. If you are looking forward to enlighten yourself, this is exactly the place for you to be.

The only rule to keep in mind is the law of two feet: If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet. Go to some other place where you may learn and contribute.

All you need to do is register for the event. This can be done by editing the page by adding your name at the end of the list. Follow the link given below( u need to register for the wiki page first: Register here)

If you are intersted in giving a session, you can do so by clicking on the link below:

This DevCamp is sponsored by ThoughtWorks, Bangalore

Alrighty then, See you at DevCamp!!


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